
Insider Real Estate

Tips for Purchasing a Home

The first time you buy a home can be a bit overwhelming. There is so much to consider and a lot of groundwork! It can appear to be endless, without a doubt. Regardless of whether it is your first home or your first investment property, the purchasing process can be confusing. To assist you with getting it sound – at least for the most part – we have assembled a couple of helpful tips and ideas to...

5 Ways you can make money by Flipping Houses

5 Ways you can make money by Flipping Houses

EXPERT TIPS FOR FLIPPING HOUSES. Many real estate investors choose to make their money by flipping houses. In case you’re not familiar with the term, “flipping houses” refers to the act of purchasing, fixing, and then reselling a property at a price that nets a profit. This type of investing isn’t for everyone, but it can be a fun and challenging way to fund a better lifestyle and ensure a...

What is Real Estate Crowd Funding and How Does it Work?

What is Real Estate Crowd Funding and How Does it Work?

HOW CROWDFUNDING CAN HELP YOU GET STARTED IN REAL ESTATE INVESTING? Investing in real estate is a great way to fund a lavish lifestyle and save up for a comfortable retirement. Having said that, you need money to make money, which is where many people fall short when it comes to getting started. Real estate investing is pricey. Sure, some types of investments are less risky than others, but as with...

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